Where’s the Instructions

instructionWith the progress of modern society has come he never ending modernization of our homes; the latest kitchen appliances, computers, game systems and surround sound equipment. With each an instruction manual is given. Generally, we discard it to the side, tear open the box and a half hour later ask, “where are those instructions?

Unfortunately, we often do the same with our life, we jump right into life’s journey without looking at the instruction manual, only to get to a place where we finally ask, “are there any instructions on how to live in this world?” Fortunately there is, its called the Bible. Read it and you get instructions on how to raise your kids, treat your spouse and get along with friends and neighbors. Struggling in life? Try opening up the instruction manual and see what the creator of life has to say about your dilemma. It will be amazing how much easier life will go together. Now back to programming this DVD player…

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