Let’s take just one typical moment in a child’s life; a bicycle crash. A dad’s response, “I’m sorry, let’s get a band-aid, you’ll need to be more careful next time.” A mom’s response, “oh honey, what have you done, come here, let me give you a hug, it’s okay let those tears flow, let’s get a Kleenex for those tears, let’s wash off that cut, let me get some medicine before I get a band aid, we need some cookies and milk to make it feel better.” A Godly mom; God’s gift to the world. If you are a woman, a mom, you are hard wired to be a manager, nurse, doctor, chauffer, Uber driver, cook, chef, maid, house cleaner, seamstress, instructor, tutor, janitor, gardener, decorator, activity coordinator, psychologist, sociologist and just about any other job you might think of. Godly moms are prayer warriors, prophets, pastors, and teachers with words like, “I pray you…, don’t make me tell you again and didn’t I tell you that would happen.” They give, not because they have too, but because that is the way God wired them. They are often the first one’s up in the morning and the last to bed at night. They care more than they are supposed to, they have an intuition that is laser like and hearts that are bigger than the Grand Canyon. Today we applaud the beautiful women that are a part of Life, whether single, hoping to be a mom, mom, grandmother or great–grandmother, you are a gift from God, uniquely made to make the world work. Happy Mother’s Day!