Mom. You’re Amazing

Motherhood. It’s an act of love and sacrifice. It’s nine months of pregnancy and a lifetime of giving. A mom never stops caring, nor do they ever stop worrying. Motherhood starts with diapers, moves to potty training, and soon it seems as they are the ones who can do anything and everything. When their children go to school, they become students again, assisting them in every tough subject. Moms become doctors and psychologist, fixing everything from bruises to broken hearts. As expectant moms, many don’t realize that their highest calling is being the taxicab driver, going to every game, boy or girl scout meeting, and recital and concert. The feelings a mom has the first day their child hops on a school bus and the first day they drive away on their own, are the same, eyes filled with tears and a heart that is swollen as their “baby” moves into a new stage of life. When they go off to college or walk down an isle in marriage, the same feelings come, eyes once again filled with tears, but this time, a heart filled with pride. The Christian mom takes love to another level, instilling values, morals, and Godly principles. She covers her kids daily in prayer, putting a lifetime of protection over their lives, one day at a time. Someone once said, if you take the mother out of the home you can destroy the fabric of America. Moms are the glue to families, homes, and the future. I am only a pastor, but in my humble estimation, there is no greater position a woman can hold than mom. To every mom, thank you for your service, sacrifice, and love. Thank you for surrendering your passions and dreams. Thank you for creating the future by making your children, family, and home your top priority. Today, and every day, we honor and marvel at your amazing lives.

Life’s First Lady

Coming from a family of eleven there wasn’t much time for personal attention from mom. One evening she was left in the car, her dad got up the next morning, left for work and when she woke up, she found herself in a parking lot trying to find her dad. She was 18 when her dad left this life, cancer took him away in the prime of his life. Soon after his passing she jetted off to college in California and never looked back. So, when she became a mom, she didn’t exactly have the perfect blueprint of what it took to be a great mom. But like most other areas of her life, she took it on with passion and grace. She would rise early for prayer, and by the time her kids got up, their clothes were laid out and there was a hot breakfast waiting for them. She was a part of their school activities, went on field trips and eventually worked in the schools where her kids were attending just to be close. Many days hot chocolate chip cookies and a cold glass of milk were waiting when her kids got home. The kids loved her amazing dinners and knew there would always be time to talk about their highs, lows and funnies. She made life fun. Whether a water slide in the back yard, a bike ride or some new fun place to experience, she made it happen for her kids. Now that she is older and her daughter is married, I watch as her daughter tries to emulate her. Her daughter has a blueprint and wants to be just like her, and her son longs to find a wife that reminds him of her. Today I honor our first lady and mom, Mary Hudson. Thank you for your example to our kids and the church you serve. Proverbs 31:29 says it well, “Many daughters have done nobly, but you excel them all.”

Mom. Our Hope for Tomorrow

Imom2020 believe she bragged. Why? Because that is what mom’s do. She had been there from the beginning. She cradled Him when He was born. She was there when He took His first steps and said His first words. She had agonized when He got separated from the caravan at the age of twelve. And if I know anything, I know there is no way anyone rested in the camp until she found her son. She was there when He turned water into wine, his first public miracle; in fact, she was the reason He had to show His power. She knew who He was and what He could do, Mary, like all moms, always know what their kids are capable of. Though she had raised Him, she had to marvel at His teaching, and was likely overwhelmed by His miracles. She was not God; she was a mom from Nazareth. When they cheered and followed Him, she was proud. When they jeered and accused Him, she was hurt. But nothing could have prepared her for that fateful day we call, “Good Friday.” For Mary, that Friday was anything but good, it was horrible. People were cruel, and His death was more than she could bare. But today, it’s 28 days after Easter and she is bragging. Not a day would pass that she didn’t share the news, have you heard about my son? The one they crucified. He came back to life! He’s alive. I’ve touched Him, talked with Him and ate meals with Him. No one can brag like a mom. No one has a heart like a woman who takes on the role of mom. Women who take on the role of mom are the greatest investors in the future, of the next generation. They are the ones who teach faith, build character and give hope. They can discipline, encourage and inspire all at the same time. And while that it is impressive in itself, they do it with tenderness and with a smile. To every woman who has accepted the role of mom, who makes the sacrifices, and loves unconditionally, thank you. You are the hope for every tomorrow, the creator of dreams and the catalyst for the future. Many positions and roles may be created for women, but none will ever be as important, valuable and powerful as being a mom. Today we celebrate, honor and give praise to one of God’s greatest gifts. Moms!

Moms – God’s Gift

J04022_grandeLet’s take just one typical moment in a child’s life; a bicycle crash. A dad’s response, “I’m sorry, let’s get a band-aid, you’ll need to be more careful next time.” A mom’s response, “oh honey, what have you done, come here, let me give you a hug, it’s okay let those tears flow, let’s get a Kleenex for those tears, let’s wash off that cut, let me get some medicine before I get a band aid, we need some cookies and milk to make it feel better.” A Godly mom; God’s gift to the world. If you are a woman, a mom, you are hard wired to be a manager, nurse, doctor, chauffer, Uber driver, cook, chef, maid, house cleaner, seamstress, instructor, tutor, janitor, gardener, decorator, activity coordinator, psychologist, sociologist and just about any other job you might think of. Godly moms are prayer warriors, prophets, pastors, and teachers with words like, “I pray you…, don’t make me tell you again and didn’t I tell you that would happen.” They give, not because they have too, but because that is the way God wired them. They are often the first one’s up in the morning and the last to bed at night. They care more than they are supposed to, they have an intuition that is laser like and hearts that are bigger than the Grand Canyon. Today we applaud the beautiful women that are a part of Life, whether single, hoping to be a mom, mom, grandmother or great–grandmother, you are a gift from God, uniquely made to make the world work. Happy Mother’s Day!