As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving it should be easy to reflect on God’s goodness and give thanks. Though our country is in a difficult season, we’re still fortunate to live with countless freedoms and blessings. While it may not be your dream home, you woke up in a bed and looked up to see a roof over your head. As a chill begins to fill the air, we kick on furnaces, add blankets to beds and grab coats before we leave our homes. Today, we might ask, what do you want to eat or how can I lose weight, but probably not, I wonder if there will be food for me today. If you’re reading this devotion, it means you have your sight and you’re holding it in your hand, either physically or on an electronic device. Much of the third world walks to destinations, while we jump into vehicles and travel in luxury. Consider the blessings we have if we have health, family, and friends. Beyond the material and relational blessings, there is more. King David, who lived a blessed life, reflected on God’s goodness in Psalm 136. He doesn’t mention material or relational favor, but reflects on one blessing, “that God’s mercy endures forever.” In fact, so overwhelmed by God’s mercy, he repeats the phrase, “his mercy endures forever,” 26 times. I too say, thanks God, for your mercy. Beyond the physical blessings, wonderful family, and good friends, I’m grateful for God’s overextending mercy. Mercy to robe himself in flesh and give His life for me, grace that extends beyond my continual shortcomings, and love that is unfailing and infinite. As we gather this Thanksgiving, remember to give thanks that you know a merciful, gracious, and loving God.
Blessed and Thankful
Thanksgiving. For some, it’s become, not a day about giving thanks, but the day that earmarks the beginning of Christmas shopping. Instead of taking the time to reflect on the incredible blessings and favor we have as Americans, it has become a frenzied day of greed and self-centeredness. While I recognize that our country nor our lives are perfect, we must admit that we are abundantly blessed. For most who are reading this article, we have a warm home, food in our cabinets and a car to drive. Even for those who have little or nothing, there are caring charities who attempt to provide for the basic needs; clothing, food and shelter. While we may not realize or appreciate it, even those who we would call poor are often better off than many in this world. That is why it grieves me when I see such a lack of thankfulness. In one of the most blessed countries of all times, I have been amazed and saddened by the anger, rioting and general discontent in people we’ve seen this year. When will we stop to count our blessings? When will we be satisfied with the abundance that we have? At what point will there be a pause, a reflection and a genuine heart of appreciation and spirit of gratitude? How about this week? It doesn’t have to be an “around the table” moment or a long prayer, but there should be a true spirit of thankfulness in our Thanksgiving. God is good and God has been good to us. Give thanks!
Mom. Our Hope for Tomorrow
I believe she bragged. Why? Because that is what mom’s do. She had been there from the beginning. She cradled Him when He was born. She was there when He took His first steps and said His first words. She had agonized when He got separated from the caravan at the age of twelve. And if I know anything, I know there is no way anyone rested in the camp until she found her son. She was there when He turned water into wine, his first public miracle; in fact, she was the reason He had to show His power. She knew who He was and what He could do, Mary, like all moms, always know what their kids are capable of. Though she had raised Him, she had to marvel at His teaching, and was likely overwhelmed by His miracles. She was not God; she was a mom from Nazareth. When they cheered and followed Him, she was proud. When they jeered and accused Him, she was hurt. But nothing could have prepared her for that fateful day we call, “Good Friday.” For Mary, that Friday was anything but good, it was horrible. People were cruel, and His death was more than she could bare. But today, it’s 28 days after Easter and she is bragging. Not a day would pass that she didn’t share the news, have you heard about my son? The one they crucified. He came back to life! He’s alive. I’ve touched Him, talked with Him and ate meals with Him. No one can brag like a mom. No one has a heart like a woman who takes on the role of mom. Women who take on the role of mom are the greatest investors in the future, of the next generation. They are the ones who teach faith, build character and give hope. They can discipline, encourage and inspire all at the same time. And while that it is impressive in itself, they do it with tenderness and with a smile. To every woman who has accepted the role of mom, who makes the sacrifices, and loves unconditionally, thank you. You are the hope for every tomorrow, the creator of dreams and the catalyst for the future. Many positions and roles may be created for women, but none will ever be as important, valuable and powerful as being a mom. Today we celebrate, honor and give praise to one of God’s greatest gifts. Moms!
A New Decade. Do It Again and Do it Bigger
Ten years ago. It was 2009 and we were preparing to step into a new decade. We were celebrating the move out of Brooks School Elementary into our new home at 11616 E. 126th Street. No more setting up and tearing down. We were proud, thankful and grateful. All 70 of us. For the first time in our short history we had a home. We had 150 chairs. We could meet on Wednesday evenings, have choir practices and we actually had rooms for kids’ classes! We thought we had arrived. Now, as we close the decade, just 10 years later, I marvel at what God has done. From 70 people to over 300 who now call Life their home, we have witness God’s faithfulness as we have shared His gospel. We have seen God do amazing things. We close out 2019 with an expanded campus and a spirit of expectancy and excellence. As we prepare to step into a new decade it seems to be just as it was in 2010, a launching pad moment. We enter 2020 with 4K cameras and live broadcast that will take our services around the globe and new seating that will give us the ability to seat nearly 500 people. What will the next 10 years be like? God only knows. What is our responsibility. The same as it was as we stepped from 2009 to 2010. To pray. To keep seeking God with all of our hearts. To ask God to do it again, to bring another outpouring of His Spirit as He did in the book of Acts. Let’s trust Him to take us further than our greatest imagination both in our own lives and at Life.
Thank You, Jesus
Thank you, Jesus. Above all, we give thanks that the God that created all, robed himself in flesh. He came and dwelt among us, was crucified, resurrected and ascended into heaven creating a way that we could have eternal life. We give thanks for His love, mercy and grace. There is no sin that is too great and no place His grace and mercy cannot get to. There is always hope. We acknowledge and give thanks that God provides for us. He meets our needs of food, water, shelter and clothing. While we may not have everything we want, we are blessed with provision. Beyond meeting our needs, “He daily loads us with benefits,” as David says in Psalm 68. Many of our lives are filled with blessings and luxuries that makes life so much easier than many. We give thanks that God looks over us. As Jeremiah 29 says, “He knows the plans He has for us, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” While life is full of hardships and difficulties, we are blessed to have a God that knows our ways and goes through them with us. We look forward in expectation and thanks, knowing that if we obey His Word and trust His plan, we will share an eternal life with people of the ages, family and friends. Our future home is a land filled with mansions and streets of gold. It is a place filled with joy, happiness and worship. There is no more pain, sickness or death. No more sin and evil. It is where will meet Jesus again. Thank you, Jesus.
Giving Thanks
One of the principles that the Bible teaches about God, is that He loves when we give thanks. In Psalm 136, David devotes an entire chapter to giving thanks unto the Lord. This month our goal is to do the same. Today, we say thanks to our Life family for the support of Life’s vision. Your commitment to the vision has created a wonderful place to worship and place where people feel safe as they discover God in a personal way. Your kindness to our family over the past year is so appreciated. As we walked through the difficult journey of losing Mary’s mother there were so many cards, text and kind gestures. We were absolutely shocked when we walked into the funeral home to find nearly half the flowers were from the Life family and friends. This past month we celebrated the marriage of our daughter, Risa. Again, the Life family was incredibly amazing as we celebrated her special day. We were so moved by your kindness and generosity of time and energy. Finally, thank you to everyone who sent cards, gifts, texted or simply spoke a word of encouragement during Pastoral Appreciation month. We are blessed to serve so many amazing families and people. People who serve unselfishly, are growing in Christ and many who have been walking through incredibly difficult times. We are thankful to call you a part of the Life family and thankful to be able to share life’s journey with you. Thank you for being a part of our life!
A Time to Celebrate
Each year Israel stopped and celebrated with three different festivals; Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacle. These festivals would last as long as a week. These were times to reflect on what God had done, reconnect with family and unite together with others in the family of God. This is why we have Month of the Family at Life. It’s our modern-day pause. We remember God, His Word and how vital His work on Calvary is to our lives. It’s the time when we reprioritize our life, making sure that our family is connected to God and each other. It is the time when we connect with others who believe as we do; those we worship with and do life with. This is why we take time to have special events; men’s, women’s and students’ nights and today’s chili cook-off. Pentecost was a celebration of harvest; it was a joyous time filled with music and dancing; a time of reflection and thankfulness. Today, our chili cook-off is much the same. It’s a time of thankfulness, a time when we celebrate our unity that comes because of our beliefs. It’s a time to laugh, connect and fight for bragging rights for the next year over who has the best chili, who is the best corn hole players and what couple is best at keeping a wheel barrel upright. It’s a time to laugh, make new friends and create lifelong memories. It’s a time for bonfires, roasting hotdogs and hayrides. Whether you’ve been with us for fifteen years or fifteen minutes, we invite you to be a part of the one of a kind Life’s Chili Cook-off.