Our Kids Can Thrive

One of the more amazing human interest stories has been unfolding over the last few weeks and its had me transfixed. It involved the four children who survived a plane crash and then 40 days in the Amazon Rain Forest in Columbia. What makes this story, and their survival, even more remarkable was their ages, thirteen, nine, four and one. In conditions that would be difficult for adults to survive, remarkably, these four kids did.


When news of the crash hit, the Columbian government immediately sent troops in to look for survivors. They were able to locate the plane, found three adults who had died, but there was no sign of the children. The search eventually moved from days to weeks and with each passing day hope of their survival waned. Planes flew overhead, men and dogs searched, and helicopters hovered. They used all types of communication trying to connect with the kids, simple pamphlets were dropped overhead and a voice recording of their grandmother blasted from helicopter speakers. What kept the search active was occasional evidence that the kids were alive; a ribbon, small footprints in mud, or a scrap of food that had been discarded. Finally, on the 40th day, all four children were found. They were in relatively good shape, a few cuts, some bug bites, and obviously very hungry. The thirteen-year-old, Lesly, account of the adventures gives us insight as to how they survived.


First, it’s important to know that the kid’s family were indigenous. These kids were natives to the land, grew up around and were accustomed to difficulty, and knew some basic necessities for survival. Someone had invested in educating them in how to live in their world. Lesly had knowledge of the land, the environment, and some awareness of danger, both of people and animals. She somehow was able to navigate the rest of the kids to safe spaces for 40 days. We’ve learned that the area of the crash was filled with venomous snakes, panthers, leopards, and many other precarious animals, yet throughout the entire ordeal, not one animal harmed them. She was conscious of needing to be careful of men. The area was known to be a place where drug dealers and gangs would hide. During the 40 days, though the soldiers didn’t see the children, the kids saw them. Lesly would tell the smaller children to be silent and cover the mouth of the baby until they had left the area. There was 50lbs. of flour on the plane and Lesly was able make meals with it. She knew which jungle fruit was safe, and though the food was meager, they were able to survive. Finally, there are conflicting reports to the timing of their mother’s death, one account says she died instantly, while another says she survived four days. The account of the mom living four days says her last words were, “I’m dying, but someone will come and help you.” If true, what powerful last words of hope.


There are so many life and spiritual lessons to be gleaned from this amazing story. We see the value of a godly heritage and realize we must not take it for granted. We learn the importance of spiritually educating our kids, that if we prepare them, they can navigate the difficult world culture and climate they have been placed in. While it true that our kids are growing up in unprecedented times, this encounter gives us evidence that if we train up our children in the ways they should go, they can, not only survive, but thrive. These kids survived nearly impossible conditions, without any adult help, because they had been prepared.


Whether true or not, the supposed last words of their mom, that someone would come and rescue them, are words we must remind our kids of consistently. They must know that there is someone who can help them, that there is a helper, Jesus, His Holy Spirit, that can rescue them, protect them, and guide them to safety.  Train up your children in the ways they should go. 

Tap into the Two-Thirds

Watching and trying to wrap my intellect around so much that is happening in our society right now, my mind went to Ephesians six where Paul warns the church in Ephesus that they were not battling against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness. It’s a warning that there is another world beyond us, a world where there is spiritual war transpiring, and it’s real. It’s Satan and the third of the fallen angels fighting a losing war against God and the two-thirds of angels that fight with Him. This warning wasn’t just for the church in Ephesus, but for ages to come. 

I have no doubt that this world, the one we live in today, is experiencing this darkness, and that a portion of society has tapped into the darkness around and above us. It’s obvious by Hollywood’s incredible fascination and ability to bring mind-bogglingly dark themes to our minds, hearts, and homes. I have no doubt that they have tapped into, become enamored, and captivated by evil. To be able to create such vivid, detailed, vile, and demonic creatures and bring us such intense violence and evil concept to our eyes can only come from those who have tapped into darkness. Beyond Hollywood, our world is being forced to accept the immoral and repulsive values of a few. The depravity that Paul described in so many of his books has captured much of academia, corporate offices, and governments entities. It has moved into ordinary citizenry, to the point we don’t want to turn on the news, for fear we will see another demented person has shot up a restaurant, mall, or public place. Our major cities are war zones and entire streets are filled with zombie-like men and women, so strung out on drugs, that people are having to leave to find safe havens. The picture I’ve painted is dark, but it is not hopeless. I believe there is hope.  

I believe that though Satan, his angels, and those who have embraced his wickedness are having incredible success, that there is, as Elisha said in 2 Kings 6:16, a spiritual army that is much larger than the one we’re feeling overwhelmed by. I believe darkness is limited and that God and the two-thirds of His angels are far superior and ready to engage and take over this battle. I believe our world is desperate to see and experience it! I believe that there are young men and women who are coming on to life’s stage that have been anointed and put in place, for such a time as this. In 2 Timothy 3, Paul is preparing a young Timothy, and I believe young men of today, for the last days and the perilous times that would come. He described the wickedness and baseness of their hour, but I note that his greatest fear and warning was there would be religion that had a form of godliness, but no power. Understanding Paul’s concern, it makes it imperative, that we pray for those who are stepping onto life’s spiritual stage today. We must pray that they have courage, that they will step out of conformity of religion, and take us where many are afraid to go. We must pray that they have the resolve to step away from traditional, model, and franchise Christianity, that they will lean into their anointing and calling; that they go rogue! They must tap into the power of God, and gain access to the two-thirds of the principalities and power that is around them. I am absolutely confident that there is a realm of untapped spiritual power. I’ve tasted it and seen a sampling, but I long for, and believe there is so much more. 

There is a power in God and a force of angels that are at their disposal that is as real as the darkness their world is experiencing. I know because I have tasted it. Once I was in a Sunday service that was as bland and as normal as could be, but suddenly, without warning, with no manipulation, no musical hype, no cheerleading preacher, an overpowering move of God sent me and the entire audience to our knees, overwhelmed by God, I crawled off the floor spiritually exhausted some six hours later. I often reflect on a conference that Mary and I attended where we experienced God’s overwhelming presence so strongly that we couldn’t do anything but fall to our knees. I remember hours later, well after midnight, rising from the floor, forever changed. At Life Connections, where we pastored for 20 years, we had many Saturday night prayer services when God’s presence moved into the room, and we would be arrested by God for three or four hours. I sensed it again at Asbury this spring. 

These are but a few of the samplings that we have experienced, and I believe that we only scratched the surface of God’s power, and that God has so much more for this generation. I believe that this generation, IF they reconnect to the power and absolute necessity of prayer, and IF, they will tap into God’s power and the forces of God, has the potential of experiencing one of the greatest demonstrations of God’s power ever seen. God said there would be a generation that would do greater things than He, and I believe that this generation will tap in, go rouge, and follow the Spirit, has the opportunity to be that generation. That they could see something grander than the Great Awakenings or Azusa Revival.

For this to happen this new generation of leaders must experience what they have read about but few have seen. It’s what an older generation has seen little of, but what some has longed and prayed for. We must be positive, encouraging, and believe with them that they can tap into God’s power and the realm where God’s army is two times as large and unquestionably more powerful. We must be diligent in praying that Gods young leaders of today get so hungry for a move of God that they are willing, if they have to, to go alone to a place like Moses did. We need to pray that they will have the courage to stand like Elijah, with confidence and boldness to believe that fire can still fall from heaven and call it down. Their world needs a demonstration of the almighty God. We must have the courage to pray that they will have the passion to take us from our comfortable hour and fifteen-minute services to what Solomon experienced, a wall shaking, cloud filling, inability to stand in God’s presence experience. We need to pray that God takes these generational men and uses them like he did the three Hebrew children, where after a fiery furnace experience, an entire nation said, “the Lord, He is God.” 

There are some incredibly passionate young men in cities where I pray God uses them in such a way that leaders of those cities say like they did of those in Acts 17, “these are they who have turned the world upside down, and they have come to our city.” Is it possible? I say yes. We got a glimpse of what is possible to those who tap into this power a few months ago in Asbury, Kentucky. A few young people started praying, tapped into something supernatural, and within a few days they had the attention of the world. People took vacation days to come, entire churches visited, national news media set up stages, all to see a move of God. The crowds swelled so large that there were traffic jams to get into the small town, people waited for hours in line to get into the chapel, additional meeting places had to be set up, and the city finally had to ask the college to close it down because it was overwhelming and crippling their community! 

To every God believing person I’m inviting you to begin to pray passionately. Pray what Mary and I have been praying, for a move of God that is indescribable, yet undeniable. Pray that the spirit of the powerless church that Paul warned of is defeated. Our world, our churches, and we as individuals need to see God bring to the world stage His signs, wonders, and miracles. Pray for yourself, for your pastor and his wife, that we all will have the courage to go beyond conformity and tradition. Pray that that we all will tap into the two-thirds.