I was 10 and in the fifth grade. Hurdles were a big deal to me. With long legs, speed, and tenacity I somehow managed to win the hurdles race at my school. With the win, I got to go to the high school track. I remember thinking, “how in the world did I get here”. I don’t remember if I won in my age group, but I do remember advancing and feeling proud to run the hurdle race for my school. Years later my daughter Risa decided to run hurdles at her school also, I was proud that she wanted to compete in the same race I did. It takes courage to run hurdles. Each jump must be perfect; you are always hoping you don’t trip and land on your face. Watching the summer Olympics, I gasped when a young lady who had worked her entire life to have an opportunity to be in the Olympics, crashed as she jumped the first hurdle. I understood her pain, though I can’t imagine the anguish she felt to do it on a world stage. She had worked hard and made it to the Olympics and though painful to fall, she should stand proud of the fact she had raced. In the race of life, we need to remember all of us have been chosen to run. We must never lose our tenacity, courage to run and our desire to conquer every hurdle that is put in our path. We were created to compete and although there will be times we may fall, trip and skin our knees, we must get up and keep running. All of us that stay in the race will win because Jesus promised He was going to prepare a place for those who finish the race. So, run and never give up. Jesus is cheering for you!
-Mary Hudson