Sitting on Jon’s desk is a plaque that gives the definition of a Father:
Fa.ther (fa’ther) n.
1. Protector, teacher and encourager
2 . Picks you up when you fall, brushes you off and lets you try again.
(See also: banker, hero, playmate, coach.)
Father’s Day. A day we set aside to recognize dad. For some of us we call them our hero’s, to others, our strength, our safe place, our protector, they can be our greatest listeners… they’re our biggest fans but to others, we may not be able to share the same sentiments. You may have a different story, one that is too painful to even think about, or maybe a father who’s been absent, with no history at all. Our dad’s, no matter the story, hold a place in our heart that is different than any other space our hearts can hold; good or bad, because a Father symbolizes someone who is defined as Protector, teacher and encourager. But can I say that the most amazing story of all time is of a “Father” that truly is and will always be what a Father should be and we have the privilege to call Him whatever it is that we need; counselor, Prince of peace, our comforter and our everlasting Father. The list goes on and on, filled with too much greatness to even be absorbed in a lifetime. His name is Jesus, the greatest man that’s ever lived. We get to call him our Father!
-Mary Hudson