We often think it is the big decisions that change our life but in actuality it is the series of small choices that make the difference in our life’s direction. It’s Moses’ small choice of choosing to turn and listen to the voice after hearing it coming from the burning bush. Ignoring that small moment would have likely left him with an unfulfilled and empty life in the wilderness. By one small choice, turning toward a burning bush, Moses finds himself leading a nation out of bondage and to the Promise Land. It’s David, after being anointed, being asked to do a menial task of bringing cheese and bread to his brothers. By choosing to do the simple task, rather than feeling that his dad’s request was beneath him, David defeats a giant by the name of Goliath, becomes a national hero and the rest is history. One small task leads to a throne and an eternal lineage. Both of these men and so many others in the Bible made small choices that led to big moments in their lives. Over the next seven weeks at Life’s Midweek we’re going to talk about Divine Direction, how making small choices can change your life and lead you to great places. Looking for a change in attitude, mindset or direction? I invite you to be a part of this challenging series. A divine moment that can set your life in Divine Direction.