A Shout Out to Volunteers

voluntA person who performs a service willingly and without pay. It’s the definition of a volunteer, but actually describes so many people who make Life their home. Today, we honor those who make Life an amazing place to worship. They are the “seven men” of good character found in Acts 6. They serve without compensation, work in the shadows and often are under appreciated. Volunteers are the backbone, guts and glue of Life. They are single parents walking through difficult seasons. They’re young couples, some with young children, whose lives are filled with demands. They are seasoned adults who could relax and enjoy church. They are seniors who want the next generation to know and experience the powerful God they did. Its people who show up nearly every Saturday to pray for an anointing on everything we do; every service, every ministry and every person, covered in prayer. It’s worship teams, audio, video and lighting people, here early on Sunday mornings and in the middle of the week, making sure that the environment you experience in worship is the best. Its individuals serving in the nursery and toddler’s classes. Its teams creating incredible worship experiences for our kids’ classes. Its people who make FSM and Hyphen events work. Its gifted and talented people that share their abilities for the Kingdom. They do carpentry, paint, provide landscaping, plant flowers and help keep the place clean. Finally, it’s anyone who greets, smiles and makes every guest want to return. To everyone who serves, in any way, we honor you today. Without you, Life does not work. Thank you for blessing us with your gifts and talents.

Giving Thanks

thanksOne of the principles that the Bible teaches about God, is that He loves when we give thanks. In Psalm 136, David devotes an entire chapter to giving thanks unto the Lord. This month our goal is to do the same. Today, we say thanks to our Life family for the support of Life’s vision. Your commitment to the vision has created a wonderful place to worship and place where people feel safe as they discover God in a personal way. Your kindness to our family over the past year is so appreciated. As we walked through the difficult journey of losing Mary’s mother there were so many cards, text and kind gestures. We were absolutely shocked when we walked into the funeral home to find nearly half the flowers were from the Life family and friends. This past month we celebrated the marriage of our daughter, Risa. Again, the Life family was incredibly amazing as we celebrated her special day. We were so moved by your kindness and generosity of time and energy. Finally, thank you to everyone who sent cards, gifts, texted or simply spoke a word of encouragement during Pastoral Appreciation month. We are blessed to serve so many amazing families and people. People who serve unselfishly, are growing in Christ and many who have been walking through incredibly difficult times. We are thankful to call you a part of the Life family and thankful to be able to share life’s journey with you. Thank you for being a part of our life!

Life is About the Go

IMG_5716Being missional is an important part of any successful church. It’s all a part of the “go” found in Matthew 28:19. Being a mission minded church involves many tangents. We have some who serve families with meals or gift cards when there is sickness or hardship. We have those who go on short trips and help with needs in third world countries while others are making it their life’s purpose to share the gospel of Jesus. There is a Men’s group, called Hope, that helps widows, divorced and single women with answers and assistance with home and car issues. Even Life’s video ministry, is a part of missions, taking Life services to homes, hospitals and nursing homes across the U.S. and the world. We’re always looking for additional volunteers. If you can help with meals, see Julie Robinson. Want to help sponsor our two full time missionaries, Joe and Cassandra Landaw or Charity Yadon, or help with one of our short-term missionaries like Chad Yadon, simply mark it on your check or giving envelope. If you’re a man and want to assist with Hope, see Kendera Starks. Finally, were bringing on a new focus. First Sunday’s, Family Sunday is now also going to be Mission’s Sunday. To make it work we’re asking two things. First, bring an offering for missions, mark it on your giving envelope. Second, help us support the local food pantry here in Fishers. They need the following items: Peanut Butter, Jelly, sugar, flour, oil, canned meats, Hamburger Helper, canned fruit, applesauce, juices and snacks. On first Sunday’s there will be a donation container in the lobby, simply drop in your food items and we will get them to the food pantry. Get involved and get your “go” on!

Doing it for Dayton

StrawA volunteer, a person who performs a service willingly and without pay. Yesterday we saw it exemplified in an incredible way by our church at the Fishers Strawberry Festival. For no recognition for themselves or Life Connections, we had an unbelievable group of people who laid it out so we could bless a church that was victim to last week’s tornados in Dayton Ohio. While we can’t mention everyone, we must mention some. Hailey Whitener and her boyfriend who were simply everywhere doing whatever it took to serve. Mike and Amber Jaarda and their family, who took a morning shift in our drive thru, and ended up staying over because of the overwhelming crowds. Randy and Robin McGarr who showed up to do “whatever was needed,” and took us to another level throughout the day. Socrates and Azucena and their family made clean up such a success. Andrea Kopanski and Kaitlyn Groover who stood in the hot sun for hours with the Strawberry sign getting the attention of motorists. Maddie McDermott’s family, who doesn’t even attend Life, stepped up and blew us away with their servant hearts. The list could go on and on, so many servers, table preps, bounce house monitors and greeters. Simply put, you exemplified the heart of God. Thanks to Renee Clark, David and Keah Cuautle, Jeff Bocek, Gentry Hudson and our entire staff for all the behind the scenes work and for having the heart to say, “let’s do this for Dayton.” We couldn’t have done it without you. To everyone who volunteered, a heartfelt thank you for making a difference.