Live Life by the Moment

IMG_6521Solomon, the author of the book of Ecclesiastes, gives us a book filled with life’s wisdom. I love Solomon’s reminder that life is full of “times.” Sometimes we forget that life is not static, but full of ebb and flow. Tauren Wells song says it well, “He’s the God of the hills and valleys.” Often, we think of life in terms of seasons; spring, summer, fall and winter, but life is much more than four seasons. This is why Solomon used the word “times.” He wants us to be aware there are moments in our days when we laugh, cry, hurt, heal, mourn, dance, feel peace and difficulty. Living in the 21st century makes this more of a reality than ever. Lives are overwhelmed by instant news, seeing more than we need, unlimited information and more technologies than ever. Anxiety is at an all-time high, there is more pressure on our jobs than ever, and God is being eliminated from much of our society. As we adapt to this new style of life there’s several things to remember. First, don’t judge. We don’t fully grasp people’s battles, the “times” they are walking through. Pray for and encourage them. Second, when we go through “times”, remember that it’s just that, “a time,” it will pass. Live life with an expectancy that it could change at any moment. Finally, invite God into your life daily. Don’t skip prayer and make God’s Word a priority. The quickest way to experience change in your life is to encourage yourself in the Lord. Start today, understand life is a series of times, experience them moment by moment.

Take a Sabbath

relaxFor six days God created. After six amazing days of creativity, God takes a day off. He rests and reflects on His work. It seems that He enjoyed His day of rest so much that when He met Moses on Mt. Sinai with the 10 Commandments, He includes rest as one of the commands. The Sabbath, God’s blessing and gift to man, a day of rest. The concept was simple. Whatever your daily job was, take the day off, celebrate God’s goodness, relax and reflect. Years pass and the simple blessing becomes encumbered with rules. Don’t help a sick animal, don’t move furniture and don’t travel more than a mile, just a few of 39 extensions added to God’s original idea of rest. How tragic is it when men burden God’s blessings with rules? It steals away what was meant for our good. As a result, people walk away from God and the wonderful blessings He designed for us. The idea of a Sabbath is nearly forgotten. The principle and blessing is no longer celebrated or lived out. Instead our lives are over-taxed, filled with anxiety and stress and we have little time for our family and friends. The idea of resting, relaxing and reflecting rarely comes to the landscape of our mind. Instead we are constantly looking for something to bring us enjoyment and peace. I suggest that maybe it’s time to schedule a regular Sabbath. A day when we stop and chill. A day when we celebrate and worship God. A day when we take a nap, a walk or bike ride. A day when we enjoy a hobby or simply relax and celebrate what we have accomplished. Be intentional. Take back your Sabbath!