Who’s in Your Storm?

Those who are followers of Jesus sometimes think that because they are believers that they should be immune to difficulties and heartache. Sadly, there are many pulpits that push this narrative. Come to Jesus and it’s all smooth sailing and smiles. I apologize if you been exposed to this concept or have been turned off to God because of this false narrative. Such a sham. Jesus gave us words of reality about trouble. In Matthew 5:45 he says, “he sends the rain on the just and the unjust.” Then in John 16:33 he says, “in this life you will have trouble.” Often, we forget that or gloss over it. We expect an exemption. No pain. No heartache. No sorrow. Unfortunately, it’s just not true. Everyone, whether wealthy or poor, successful or struggling, deal with what life brings.

Though our pulpit ministry is silent right now, our ministry, our call to impact people is not. Here is the “lite” version of some of the conversations of pain, struggle, and hurt we’ve had with people who have set in our home, across from us at a dinner table, or we’ve  had a phone conversation with lately.  

  • A couple who has served in ministry for years is struggling as one of them is overwhelmed with anxiety. Yet weekly, they put on a brave face, push through adversity and fear, and continue to touch lives.
  • A beautiful person whose mom, who lives blocks away, has abandoned them. In spite of the void, they have created a beautiful marriage and family.
  • A faithful person, someone like Simon or Anna who devoutly attended to the temple, is diagnosed with cancer. Meet them and their focus and prayers will turn to you, not them.
  • A couple, incredibly creative, talented, and faithful, who have been in ministry for years, is in transition. Facing an uncertain future, they continue to walk in faith and expectancy.
  • A person, gifted, talented, and incredibly brilliant and social, is broken and alone, searching for companionship. See them on any given day and you will only be met by a smile and leave their presence uplifted and encouraged.
  • A successful couple with incredible kids is challenged by the darkest of outside forces. One of their children is being pursued by a person nearly twice their age. Yet set across them and you will hear nothing but belief.
  • A couple excitedly getting ready to enter into retirement are met with the news that cancer has hit one of the spouses’ bodies. Uncertainty and fear are now their neighbors. Many tears, but their faith and hope are resolute.

I’ll spare you from more examples. To put it lightly, this is a “sample size” of people who have confided and shared their pain and hurt with us this summer.

Notice a pattern in their stories? Everyone is fighting a battle. Everyone is dealing with “life.” The amazing thing about the stories shared above is that all of them are doing life with God involved. Some have more faith than others. Some are more reliant on the Spirit. Some pray and read God’s Word with more regularity, but all are walking through their storms with God.

After Mary and I have shared dinners with people, listened to stories, prayed with them, and watched as they were walking away, we were often left with some very somber conclusions. Our words, our efforts to encourage felt so feeble and inept. We’ve come to understand that everyone is living a unique story. Never judge someone, a couple, until you’ve walked a few miles, may be a hundred or so, in their shoes. Give people grace and space. Pray with them, and for them. We can’t say, “we’ll pray for you,” but not do it. We must be intentional to lift them up regularly and become their encouragers.

One other realization hit us like a ton of bricks. Unlike those we have spent time with, the vast majority of people are trying to handle their storms without God. If their issue is sickness, their hope is in a doctor. If their struggle is emotional or  there is a relationship issue, often their solution is an affair, a bottle, or a needle. They may have been hurt by religion. Some have bought the lie that God doesn’t exist or care. Most are living without hope. Few expect or believe a miracle is possible.

If you are a follower of God, going through a storm, the battle of your life, understand this. You are not alone. Everyone is stressed by storms. While it might be easy to get angry, frustrated, or hurt by God, understand that you are blessed. You are walking through your storm with God, unlike many who are not.

Some may be asking, “why me or us. Why is God allowing this storm in our lives?” We begin to point to our resume. We have faith. We pray. We tithe. We serve. The list could go on. Is it possible that the resume is the reason for the storm? Do you have the ability to imagine, to see, that God knows He can trust you with a storm? That you won’t become bitter. That you won’t abandon Him. Is it possible that God has the confidence to put you in a storm because He trust that you will walk through it and that you see that  it as a way to help others?

Realize this, without storms we can’t relate to others who are in the middle of them. When God gives us a storm, and we walk through it, we become more humble, more relatable, and less judgmental. We are more compassionate. More understanding. We have the ability to inspire and encourage in ways few others can.

Why is there a list of heroes of the faith in the book of Hebrews? One reason. They faced storms. They endured the storm. They came out better, not bitter. Did it always turn out the way they hoped? No. But they came to understand and appreciate that God was with them. They kept their faith and encouraged others. Today, if you are in a storm, uncertain of what the day holds, have confidence and speak these words of thankfulness. “I am blessed. I am grateful. I know that I am going through this storm with God.”

There is No Cancer

Miracle Monday, it was 10 years ago today, January 28, 2014, I made one of the most memorable calls of my life. It was to our church family through our One-Call phone program. It was with a shaken and broken voice I said, “we have received the results from Mary’s cancer surgery, there is no cancer. We’ve experienced a miracle.” You can listen to the call here.

To be honest it was a call we weren’t totally confident we would make. On December 2, 2013 I had taken Mary to her yearly mammogram test. I remember waiting for an extended time and beginning to feel uneasy that her test was taking so long. I’ll never forget the look on her face as she came back to the lobby. Her face was pail, there was fear in her voice as she said, “they think they have found cancer in my breast. “

By the time we got to our car and started home we had received a call from Mary’s gynecologist, Dr. James Jarrett. His voice was serious and we could tell he was alarmed by the report he had received. Within days he had arranged an appointment for us with one of his best friends, Dr. Tim Goedde, one of the best cancer doctors in Indiana and was a part of the renowned M.D. Anderson cancer team out of Houston Texas.

Our meeting with Dr. Goedde would prove to be a tough day. He did his exam of Mary’s breast, seemed troubled, and asked us to wait in the consultation room next door. We were scared and the fifteen-minute wait before he stepped back into the room seemed like an eternity. When we saw him, it appeared he had been crying, his face was red and eyes swollen. It was definitely something we had never experienced when working with a doctor. He began to explain that Mary’s breast cancer was bad, stage four bad, and described the cancer in her breast “as the stars in heaven.” We would later learn from Dr. Jarrett that Dr. Goedde had called him immediately after we had left our appointment and told him that Mary’s case was the worst case he had seen in his 25 years of practice.

At the time Gentry and Risa were 18 and 16. We discussed how to handle the moment with them and felt that we could have a transparent conversation about their mom’s cancer. We were honest about the challenges ahead and prepared them the best we could for the uncertain future. The conversation was honest but filled with faith.  Mary and I also had private discussion about what if the worst-case scenario happened, but in every moment, there was faith. Faith that overwhelmed fear.

We have always been people of prayer, so we attacked this moment as we had every other crisis we had faced. Over the next few weeks, we went into fervent prayer. We prayed with hope, expectancy, and believed for a miracle. We had a team of prayer warriors and friends who joined with us. Our church rallied around us in a way I’ve never seen. Our faith was so strong that we asked for a second evaluation, but while Dr. Goedde noted that there was some change, it was nothing significant.

Mary’s surgery had been schedule at our first appointment, and on January 21st of 2024, she had a double mastectomy. After an overnight stay, Mary came home, and would spend the next three months in recovery. She was amazing, strong, and brave.

It was on the morning of January 28, 2014 that we got the call. We froze when the phone rang. We recognized the number and knew this was “the call.” We answered and a nurse said “we’re calling with the results of Mary’s breast cancer surgery, it was negative.” Those words overwhelmed us, and to be honest, the rest of her conversation is kind of blurry. All we heard was, “it was negative.” We were weeping, overjoyed, and after hanging up, we were trying to grasp what had just happened. We had questions. Like what does this mean? Is negative, positive or is negative, negative? Where do we go from here? As we were trying to get our heads around what had just happened, the phone rang again. This time it was Dr. Goedde.

His call brought absolute clarity. He said, “Mary, I want you to know that there was absolutely no cancer in your breast. You are cancer free.” While he would not use the word “miracle,” he did say, “this is something that I can’t explain.” He would go on to convey that there would be no need for any chemotherapy, radiation, or the five-year pill that is normally given to breast cancer patients.

We would visit Dr. Goedde two more times over the next few months, each time he would say, “this is just remarkable.” Our final visit with him was a year later, after that evaluation he said, “Mary, as far as I’m concerned, we never have to see you again, go and enjoy life.”

Today is 10 years since that amazing phone call. We pray that it inspires and gives hope to anyone and everyone going through a difficult season. Whether it is sickness, a family issue, a job situation, or financial struggle, miracles do happen and it can happen for you. God can and God can for you!

Just Keep Searching

She had search for years, forty in fact. She had tried ointments and medicines. She had gone to doctor after doctor and tried every imaginable option. She was desperate for relief, for healing, for a miracle. She had spent more money than she could count, but no matter what she tried, the outcome was always the same, her sickness was still with her. When someone mentioned the healer Jesus, she was reluctant, maybe even a little sarcastic, but deep inside her heart there was still a measure of hope. When the word came that Jesus was coming to her town, she pushed passed her previous disappointments and headed to where they said Jesus would be. As she nears where Jesus is, she sees the crowd, and for a moment she considers turning around and heading home, but the same hope that had caused her to try every medicine, meet every doctor, and spend whatever it cost, said press on. So, she did, pushing through the crowd, she can only catch the hem of Jesus’ garment. What happens next is beyond her imagination. An indescribable feeling runs through her body, instantly she knows something has changed. No one has to tell her, no one has to verify what has happened, she knows. . . she gasps and whispers to herself, “I’m healed.” No one in the crowd knows, and if it had not been for Jesus pausing, she could have walked away whole. But Jesus stops, asking what the crowd and disciples think is an absurd question, “someone has touched me.” The disciples state the obvious, “Master, everyone has touched you.” But then Jesus clarifies, it wasn’t just a touch, but a touch of faith, a touch of hope, a touch that took virtue out of Jesus’ body and brought healing to the woman. Her life is forever changed because she never quit searching, never gave up. If you’re searching for answers to problems in your life, searching for a solution to difficult circumstances, search for Jesus and keep searching until you find Him. While you may not find your answer today or tomorrow, if you keep on searching and keep looking with purpose, you will find Him. And when you find Him, you will find the answer to so many questions and the solution to so many problems and difficulties. You can try everything you know to solve the issues you are dealing with, but when every other possibility fails, and it feels hopeless, know that if you haven’t tried Jesus, you still have hope, and He was your best option all along.


Leftovers. Our refrigerators are likely full of them after Thursday’s Thanksgiving festivities. You were either gifted containers as you left the celebration, or as the host, you got left with everything from cranberry sauce to sweet potato casserole. I must admit there are some things that seem to taste better warmed up and you may have snacked on a few goodies over the weekend, but more than likely, the leftover ham and yams will likely head to the garbage later this week. Unfortunately, we’ll probably throw away more food this week than some will see in a month. In Matthew 15 a Canaanite woman comes to Jesus begging for Him to heal her daughter who is demon possessed. Uncharacteristically, Jesus is rather rude and ignores her request. Instead of being offended, the woman becomes more persistent in crying out to him. When Jesus says, “it isn’t good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs,” you would think that the woman would turn and walk away in disgust. Instead, her resolve moves to another level as she says, “yes, Lord; but even the dogs feed on the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table,” in other words, even the dogs get the leftovers. Her retort softens the heart of Jesus and in an instant her daughter is healed as he commends her for her great faith. What do you need today, a physical or financial miracle? A wayward child to return or a family situation to change? This week as you open the refrigerator and look at the leftovers, remember all you need are God’s scraps for a miracle to come to pass. Be tenacious, even when it feels hopeless and God seems distant, next level faith may cause a crumb to fall off of heavens table.