Outlive Your Life!

OutliveIn the book, The Noticer, Andy Andrews writes of a man by the name of Norman Bourlag, who received the Noble Prize for creating a technique that created a hybrid corn that saved the lives of over two million people. Andrews reflects on the possibility that it might have been Henry Wallace, Vice President under Roosevelt that might have saved two million lives because he was the one that asked Norman Bourlag to come up with the process. Andrews then submits that it may have actually been George Washington Carver who saved over two million because he invested and taught Henry Wallace much of what he knew about farming. Finally, Andrews proposes that it may have been a farmer by the name of Moses and his wife Susan who saved two million people because they saved the life of George Washington Carver. What is amazing is most of these people went to their graves never realizing that their one action would eventually impact two million people.

I suggest that many of the biblical hero’s we read likewise had no idea that one act was going to change history. Abraham’s obedience, taking his son up a mountain, would lead him to being called the father of faith. Moses, listening to a small voice coming from a fire, leads people out of Egypt but likely went to his grave feeling like a failure for not getting them into the Promise land. Little did he realize the impact, that his willingness to trust God, would live on for dispensations. Might I suggest that Simon Peter will be stunned by the impact of one message, the message on the Day of Pentecost and that Paul will be overwhelmed by the fact that the letters he was writing trying to straighten out churches that were frustrating him with their inconsistency would end up in the Bible. These men, and so many others in the Bible, simply lived the life that was laid out before them, did what was asked, and were willing to walk and be led by the Spirit.

2life connectionsLike generations before us, we have been given an opportunity to Outlive our Lives. Like those we call heroes of the faith and like farmer Moses and George Washington Carver it is possible that we have been brought to a “such a time as this,” moment. An opportunity to invest in something that will outlive us, something that when we get to heaven will cause us to say, this happened because we gave, because we believed? What is your faith feeling? What is the small still voice saying? Will you Outlive your life? I want to be overwhelmed by what God did with my simple act of faith, obedience and giving. I want to be a part of something that Outlives My Life!

Strong and Courageous

Dueteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.

unknownIn an hour when there are fewer and fewer who stand up for principle I enjoyed the words of Zell Miller. While affiliated with his political party for years Mr. Miller understood that he had a greater allegiance than to an organization, club or party; he understood he had a responsibility to his heart, his values , his family and before God. While many will criticize his actions, I am here to applaud him. It takes courage in this hour to stand fro principles, values and truth.

My prayer for you this week is that you too will have the courage to stand for what is right and true. The future of our lives, families and a nation depends upon men and women of faith standing for principle, values, and truth. May God bless you and your family this month as we turn our focus toward our families; we must be strong and courageous.

He’ll Be There

Hebrews 13:5
 Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever

father-teaching-daughter-to-ride-bike-close-up-photo-small-girl-holding-handlebar-her-bicycle-hands-her-her-riding-55064765Over the last ten days I have done battle teaching our daughter how to ride a bike. Having gone through this process once already I should have it down to a science. To win her over I had to gain her confidence and trust. Little by lite it came. At first my hands could never leave her, then I could let go for a few seconds and finally she decided she could go it alone. Why I had to do is let her see that I was not going to let her crash and I wasn’t going to leave her when she was unsure of herself. Once that battle was overcome, the balancing and riding were a breeze.

Learning to walk as a Christian is much like riding a bike. We’re not sure we can make it, we want God’s arms around us, but eventually we learn that He will never leave us or forsake us and then we run with confidence. Wherever you are today and whatever you are gong through, know that God is with you. He won’t let you and He won’t let you crash.

Where’s the Instructions

instructionWith the progress of modern society has come he never ending modernization of our homes; the latest kitchen appliances, computers, game systems and surround sound equipment. With each an instruction manual is given. Generally, we discard it to the side, tear open the box and a half hour later ask, “where are those instructions?

Unfortunately, we often do the same with our life, we jump right into life’s journey without looking at the instruction manual, only to get to a place where we finally ask, “are there any instructions on how to live in this world?” Fortunately there is, its called the Bible. Read it and you get instructions on how to raise your kids, treat your spouse and get along with friends and neighbors. Struggling in life? Try opening up the instruction manual and see what the creator of life has to say about your dilemma. It will be amazing how much easier life will go together. Now back to programming this DVD player…