Rocks of Remembrance

rocksSlow down. Take some time to pick up some rocks. It’s an odd command after the miraculous crossing of the Jordon River. The celebration was on and plans were being made to capture Jericho and then the rest of the Promised Land. But in the moment of celebration Joshua said to the people of Israel, “go gather some rocks out of the river.” Why? Because we have to treasure the memories were making in the moment. Too many times, we are so preoccupied with the next great moment that we forget to celebrate what has been accomplished. God halts the celebration, stops the plans and says go back and get some rocks of remembrance. Memorial Day Weekend is that kind of moment. It is a time to celebrate what has been done, to celebrate where we are and to make new memories. Our generation has become so addicted to the hectic that we have a hard time slowing down. We are running way to hot and exhausting ourselves in the process. This weekend I challenge you to take some time to slow down and pick up some rocks. Celebrate on past victories, reflect on the great things that God has done and take time to make some new memories. Gather some rocks of remembrance. Be a part of a moment that makes you laugh so hard that you cry. Create a moment setting by a fire cooking a hot dog or smores. Do something that will be such an unforgettable experience that it is brought up over and over. Make it a rock gathering weekend!

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