Divine Direction: Trust

Logo6It’s a given, tough times come. When they come they either build trust and draw us closer to God or weaken our confidence and we find ourselves drifting away in doubt. It’s our response to difficult and challenging moments that determines much about our future. Having the ability to trust God involves understanding that everything isn’t logical or rational and to trust God when life doesn’t make sense. The more that we are around God, His presence, the more we have the ability to trust in Him. Why does Simon Peter have the faith to step out of the boat? He had been around Jesus and learned to trust His word. Sometimes God allows us to experience more than we can handle. On one occasion Jesus was in the boat with His disciples when suddenly a storm developed. Panic ensued, fear overwhelms the crew and suddenly they find themselves crying out for Jesus’ help. Who could have imagined? Jesus was in the boat, but still a storm came. What lesson is learned? Just because Jesus is in your boat doesn’t mean you won’t have storms. But even better, if Jesus is in the boat have confidence that the storm won’t sink you. In a storm? It’s likely that Jesus is using the storm for His purpose; to take your faith, your ability to trust Him, to a new level. Going through a tough time? Remember Paul’s words in Romans 8:28, we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.

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