Rough Road Ahead!

UnknownIt was just a sign, but a warning that caught my eye. Within seconds of seeing the sign the road changed and you could feel the difference. Wouldn’t it be nice if life had a rough road sign ahead? A sign that lets you know that sickness was about to hit, a financial challenge is getting ready to come your way or a relationship is about to be strained. Unfortunately there are no such signs but we can take comfort in that God knows the plans He has for us (Jer. 29:11). No matter what come are way, God is never caught off guard and since He is aware we can rest that He is with us. Want proof? Jesus told His disciples, lets go to the other shore, on the way a powerful storm arose. The disciples were overwhelmed, afraid and fearful for their lives. Where was Jesus? Sleeping. What was He trying to teach His disciples and us? Trust Me; no matter how it feels or what it looks like, I am in control. Facing a rough road? Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

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