Time for Change

Welcome to 2018! With each new year comes a blank canvas; its a time when we have new aspirations, make fresh commitments and vow to make changes in our lives. In the Bible the word for year is shannah and it can have two meanings. One definition is to duplicate or repeat, as in the repeating of the seasons year after year. The second definition is to change, as in things will be different. Wow! What a picture of the possibities in 2018. The two definitions are so polar opposite of each other and how the word is used and its meaning in the moment is totally determined by the person using the word. It brings me to a question, what will your year be like?

7eff6c0d2559be4039cbb250f9de6f8dWill it be a year of repetition or a year of change? Our nature is to make new commitments but after a few days or weeks we often fall back into the same old routines and habits. Will this year be a repeat of the same old patterns or will it be a year of newness and change. Want to make it a year of change? Seek God with all your heart, choose to daily live differently, have bold faith, pray big prayers, and choose to walk after the Spirit one day at a time. If we change our patterns we can change our lives, our families and 2018 will not be a year of repetition but a year of change.

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