Jim Coffey: The Masters Builder

No one succeeds alone. Regardless of our successes, our accomplishments have been built on the shoulders of others. We all have dreams and ambitions but the reality is that for them to become a possibility, we need others.

We see this process early on in the Bible. God gives Moses the Ten Commandments and the plans for the Tabernacle in the wilderness, but there is a problem, Moses is not a builder. Instead of equipping Moses, God provides a man, Bezalel, a man gifted as a craftsman. Moses has the dream and vision; Bezalel is essential for the dream to become a reality.

There are a number of people who have been instrumental to the story of Life Connections.  One particular couple that I want to bring attention to is Jim and Brenda Coffey. As Bezalel was to Moses, Jim Coffey was to Mary and I. Life Connections was a startup church, appearing and disappearing weekly at Brooks School Road Elementary, when I got a call from Jim. He was weeping. He had been in prayer, and though he didn’t attend Life Connections, God had impressed him to donate five and a half acres of prime real estate he owned in Fishers. Jim went on to inform me that, not only was he donating the land but he wanted to oversee the building of the church. In a moment God transformed our situation, moving us from renting a facility to having our own campus. It was a miraculous moment.

Jim’s life background is one of a very humble beginning. He was born in eastern Kentucky and was the last of 11 children. His mom was known in the hills as a woman of prayer, their home, a single room house. They worked and lived off the land. His education ended after his freshmen year of high school when he began working in construction. He quickly excelled and within a few years his family had moved to Indiana and he was building his own homes. That knowledge of building and business exploded. 

By the early seventies, if you lived in Noblesville or Fishers area and wanted a custom-built home, Jim and Coffey Construction was your top choice for a builder. Though Jim became highly successful, most would never know it. Meet him and you will hear more about his Kentucky roots and his love for God than any of his success. Some people flaunt their money and success, Jim has always boasted of God’s grace and mercy.

He is nearly 87, but spend a few minutes with him and you’d think you’re talking to someone who is maybe 70. I often tell people at our church, if you want to experience something special, buy Jim (and Brenda) lunch and let him spend some time speaking into your life. Block out a few hours, he loves to talk, but what you will absorb from him will be priceless. 

Jim will be the first to tell you that he’s not perfect. He has flaws, the gift of mischief, and is known for the pranks he pulls. Like many, I have been at the receiving end of his exploits more than once. Know this too, at some point Jim will start crying, and you will hear him say, “oh that I may know Him and the fellowship of his suffering.” 

When you walk away from the time with him you will have learned more than this space allows. You will understand that like Jim, we are all imperfect. You will know more about God’s Word because Jim passionately loves it. Seeing his zeal for God, it will make you want to become someone that wants to spend more time in God’s presence.

Only eternity will show the number of ministries that succeeded because of his physical, financial, and spiritual gifts. Jim and Brenda have helped numerous people and ministries succeed and flourish. There are missionaries in countries, churches that are vibrant because of their gifts, and more people than we will ever know, who Jim and Brenda have helped when they were down on their luck. They have given people new hope, jobs, and finances, never expecting anything in return. Mary and I fully understand that Life Connections existed, not only because of our dreams and passion, but because of Jim and Brenda Coffey and many others who gave spiritually, physically, and financially.

In closing I recount a recent conversation I had with Jim. I told him he needed to work on his neck and arm muscles. He looked at me confused and asked why? I said, “because you’re going to need a strong neck to keep that heavy crown on your head and stronger arms to throw it at Jesus’s feet.” His response, tears, and “I just hope I make it.” That is Jim Coffey.

One Reply to “Jim Coffey: The Masters Builder”

  1. Spot on with this blog Jon…. I’ve known Jim Coffey almost all of my life. Such a great friend and mentor! Glad to hear he is still doing well! I wish we had more faith filled men like Jim!!

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