Let Us Pray…

James 5:16
Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.

prayToday as we reflect on God’s blessings and grace on our lives, lets not forget that there are many around us struggling with recent events that impacted their lives in traumatic ways. Though they may nor be near to us, let us remember those in Russia who have lost children,dreams and innocence; and those in Florida and the Caribbean that have suffered great loss of home and life. Remember too, the families of those who pave paid the ultimate sacrifice over the last few years to make our world safer.

It is evident that our world has become full of evil and violence. Let us pray for our nation and its leaders that they will turn once again to the God of all peace so that our children will have a world worth inheriting. Let us pray…

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