A Revival of Revival

For the last five nights I have wept nearly uncontrollably. The reason, watching an unpredicted revival taking place in Gainesville, Georgia at Free Chapel. It was supposed to be just a one-off Sunday evening service, but at the end of the service, after an incredible move of God, an impromptu decision was made to go another night. That one-off has now turned into five consecutive nights, with no end in sight as God’s presence keeps moving, people continue to stream to the altars, and their online audience continues to increase. It’s a revival of the old-fashioned revival!

While many churches are emphasizing shallow services that won’t scare or offend visitors, this week Free Chapel has been impacting hundreds of thousands as they invite God to do a sovereign move in their midst. It seems they have decided to follow the Spirit, preach a message few preach anymore, Jesus is coming, and invite people to come to an altar.

This should be sending shock waves through the religious community; it is going against what many don’t want to happen in church and some feel can only happen if you follow their rules. People are arriving over an hour to get seats, guest and young people are literally running to the front, and people are lingering in the altars for over an hour. There is emotion, tears, repentance, and people receiving the Spirit as in the book of Acts. Several nights this week I have had my face buried in the carpet of our family room, convicted by the Word and overwhelmed by His presence.

This is what Mary and I envisioned, prayed for, and desired to bring to Life for nearly 20 years. It was our passion. We wanted our kids and our community to see an indescribable yet undeniable move of God’s Spirit. We wanted people to see, taste, and experience a sovereign move of God that wasn’t about religious traditions and rules, not something manipulated or worked up by a worship team, simply a church allowing the Spirit of the Lord to have liberty. My tears have been an uncontrollable mix of joy and sadness. Joy that it is happening and I am getting to see and experience it, yet sadness that my kids aren’t engaged in it and that we didn’t get to bring it to Life like we so desperately wanted too.

I know writing an article like this will bring opportunity for some on both sides to discredit what is happening. Yes, Jentezen is human and his message may not be just like yours. Yes, his church has problems, but I have yet to find a church that doesn’t. But I do know God is doing something amazing through a man who is hungry for people to experience God’s glory. I know there are those who want everything controlled and will dismiss what is happening. They will point out to some bad experience they had at “one of those churches” and because they did, no one should ever experience something that is not sanitized and controlled. I also know this, there is a world that is desperately hungry for something authentic and they are tuning in. This week’s live online services at Free Chapel have nearly 50,000 watching each night. Each rebroadcast is being viewed by over 100,000. Watch parties are starting in states throughout the U.S. and churches are inviting people to their buildings and having church with Free Chapel as it is happening live.

This is what I want to you to know. I’m hearing messages on the coming of the Lord like I haven’t heard since I was a young man. I’m seeing people come to altars like I haven’t seen in years, and I’m seeing the Spirit being poured out like it was in the book of Acts. Interested? If so, check it out for yourself. Go to https://www.youtube.com/@freechapel. Once there, you can see when the next live broadcast is, watch any rebroadcast of the revival services, or catch a message from the series on Signs of the Times. While this blog may not be for everyone, I hope it blesses some. Just trying to reach one more for Jesus.

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