Mom. You’re Amazing

Motherhood. It’s an act of love and sacrifice. It’s nine months of pregnancy and a lifetime of giving. A mom never stops caring, nor do they ever stop worrying. Motherhood starts with diapers, moves to potty training, and soon it seems as they are the ones who can do anything and everything. When their children go to school, they become students again, assisting them in every tough subject. Moms become doctors and psychologist, fixing everything from bruises to broken hearts. As expectant moms, many don’t realize that their highest calling is being the taxicab driver, going to every game, boy or girl scout meeting, and recital and concert. The feelings a mom has the first day their child hops on a school bus and the first day they drive away on their own, are the same, eyes filled with tears and a heart that is swollen as their “baby” moves into a new stage of life. When they go off to college or walk down an isle in marriage, the same feelings come, eyes once again filled with tears, but this time, a heart filled with pride. The Christian mom takes love to another level, instilling values, morals, and Godly principles. She covers her kids daily in prayer, putting a lifetime of protection over their lives, one day at a time. Someone once said, if you take the mother out of the home you can destroy the fabric of America. Moms are the glue to families, homes, and the future. I am only a pastor, but in my humble estimation, there is no greater position a woman can hold than mom. To every mom, thank you for your service, sacrifice, and love. Thank you for surrendering your passions and dreams. Thank you for creating the future by making your children, family, and home your top priority. Today, and every day, we honor and marvel at your amazing lives.

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