How Big is Your God?

Isaiah 66:1a
“Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool…

How big is your God? A big question. In a sense, we control the size of God. Yes, you heard
me, we control the size of God. Sure, He sits in Heaven and the earth is His foot stool, but that does not determine how big your God is. Your God is as big as your prayer and your faith. Expect little, get little. Expect a lot and we will get a lot. Ask for nothing and get the same, ask big things and see God make big things happen; not outside of His will, but ask anything in His name and it shall be done (John 14:14).

Picture1.pngMy God is big! Nothing is to difficult for Him, nothing surprises Him and there is no situation that stumps Him. My God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above what I could ever ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). A blind man asked for sight, no problem, God makes a little mud and suddenly blinded eyes see. A petition by a parent of a grievously ill girl, no problem, “I’ll come and heal her.” A cripple on a stretcher is dropped down on a cot from a roof, no problem, “He forgives his sins and then, oh yes, says “take up your bed and walk,” and he does!

So how do you answer the question how big is your God? May I submit that He is no bigger than your request, faith and hope. It’s not a question of whether He can, but if we believe He can. Got something big going on in your life. Take it to Jesus! Don’t ask, “can God” turn it around and say, “God can!”

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